The question of how to cure nail fungus is raised by many people, but not everyone chooses the right solution to this problem and switches to traditional medicine. Using homemade products can sometimes be helpful, but it's better to trust specialists and not experiment with your own health.

Another misconception is that nail fungus is not a serious disease that needs immediate treatment, but this is far from being the case. Fungi or onychomycosis manifestations in connection with the spread of bacteria on the keratinous plaque and if they do not stop their spread, the infection will enter all surrounding tissue and into the body. In this case, you won't have to decide on how soon to cure nail fungus, but how to save limbs and overall health.
How does the fungus manifest?
In the early stages, it's much easier to deal with the infection. It is possible to dispense using special therapeutic agents and prevent the destruction of the nail, resulting in complete or partial removal of the keratinous plaque.
In principle, anyone who pays attention to their feet and takes regular care of their toes can detect a fungal infection. This is evidenced by the following signs:
- The appearance of areas other than the natural color of the nail. How the changes will look depends on the type of infection. These can be pale stripes or brown, yellow "dots". Able to form other shades, that is the reason to find out the reason for the appearance of those changes;
- Brittleness. If your toenail is cracked or flaky, chances are it's time to decide on how to treat nail fungus. In some cases, brittle nails are caused by other diseases, lack of vitamins and poor nutrition, so in any case, a specialist consultation will not be damaged;
- Deformation of the horny plaque. Growth of bacteria, the absence of treatment leads to significant changes in the nail, it is significantly deformed. Not only did the feet deteriorate, but it also felt uncomfortable to wear shoes;
- Itching, soreness in the affected area;
- Bad smell. Very undesirable condition of the nail turns to the stage when a specific odor has emitted, there are signs of weakness, an inflammatory process. Such symptoms may not only indicate that it is time to cure the nail fungus, but also that measures must be taken to save the body from the spread of the infection.
Signs have different manifestations depending on the development of nail disease, from which there is an appropriate classification of fungal lesions:

- Stage 1. An initial degree, which can only be detected by a very attentive person or a specialist dermatologist. Mild color change, possibly mild itching;
- Stage II. Nails may deform, change color, or partially destroyed the horny layer. There is still a chance to cure nail fungus without surgery, but the delay will only aggravate the situation;
- Stage III. It is considered one of the highest levels of fungal infections. It is no longer necessary to treat only the fingernail, but possibly the surrounding tissues, as well as to the root itself, since at this stage the infection is already very deep. Many flame retardants, fire extinguishing agents, etc. v. can become elements simultaneously. It is very dangerous to bring the condition of the foot to such a severe stage, as the treatment will require considerable material and financial costs and there is no guarantee that the restored nail will be even.
What is the treatment of fungus in the legs
The modern medicines on the market for medical products fight infections so that you can effectively treat the fungus at home. Depending on the stage, type and severity of the infection, the optimal drug can be chosen.
In addition, some drugs have a complex effect, their use allows you not only to solve the problem of how to cure nail fungus, but also how to stimulate cell regeneration and speed up healing.
Among the many drugs that are positively advertised, have positive reviews, or are simply recommended for nail diseases, it is possible to distinguish the following subgroups:
- Lucky. It is recommended to use varnish as an additional method of treatment, for example, during times when it is impossible to use ointments, compresses or other external remedies. There are gloss oils that contribute to the gradual peeling of the affected area, which is needed for the active compounds to better penetrate to destroy the infection. The main advantage of the varnish is its ability to conceal the fungus, as the decorative varnish can temporarily cover the medicinal varnish. The ratings of such solutions are contradictory; varnish should not be used at advanced stages;
- Drop. The solution is applied to the cleaned nail, or even after its removal, so that the active compounds enter the site of the infection. Prescribe together with other drugs, if there is significant damage to the nail;
- Ointments and creams. The most diverse drugs are special ointments and creams. They differ not only in the effectiveness and complexity of the action, but also in terms of price. As part of each drug, the active ingredients, concentrations and side effects may be indicated. Since different types of bacteria in the form of activity (yeast, ringworm) can cause fungus, the methods of treating them must be chosen accordingly. There are ointments and creams with a complex effect, that is, their use is allowed for various infections. Along with preventing the spread of the infection, ointments can help with better healing. The purpose of such drugs is very diverse, from the fact that it is advisable to use them for nail removal, and ends with conventional precautions. In this regard, it is better to see a specialist before use, learn the reviews, carefully read the instructions for the removal of the fungus in the near future;
- Support band. They are mainly used to remove part or all of the nail. With advanced stages, such a procedure is necessary, since it is not possible to restore the diseased nail. The patch is impregnated with special substances to slowly dissolve the stratum corneum affected by the infection. After a few applications, you can clean the nail from peeling seeds and apply ointment. All of this is easy to do at home;
- Oral preparations. If the infection has not only spread to one nail but is at risk of entering the body, special medications should be used. In fact, such treatment is mainly indicated in stage III. In addition to the suspension or antifungal tablets, a vitamin-mineral complex may be prescribed to maintain the functions of the entire body, enhancing the properties of immunity.

In addition to home remedies, you can use hardware to get rid of the fungus. These include laser treatment, cosmetic procedures that combine solutions to eliminate the source of infection and restore the nail in a natural way.
You can choose a medication for yourself to treat the fungus that appears on the nails. This is facilitated by the media, advertising in pharmacies, advice from pharmacists, reviews on the Internet. In order not to be confused, the best option is to see a doctor. But even in this case, you can ask about alternative treatments, since there are funds with a similar composition, but significantly different costs, complexity of action on the disease.
If the drug is chosen correctly, the improvements will be noticeable over time. When the rash or onychomycosis has progressed in other areas and has an unpleasant odor, you should immediately contact a specialist. With such phenomena, further self-medication can be dangerous.
Traditional medicine in the fight against nail fungus
A few decades ago, there was no popular remedy for the complex treatment of a fungus, no way to explore drug reviews, and then formulas from traditional medicine were used. weak. Iodine is particularly popular, remains an excellent preventive measure against the spread of infections of various origins. Among the most popular home remedies for scalp fungus include:
- Take a warm bath. Solutions are prepared with many different ingredients, but their action is mainly aimed at softening the affected area, disinfecting. Good effects can be achieved when bathing with sea salt, diluted vinegar, royal lily, weak purple potion. Each option has certain effects, with the possibility of an allergic reaction. Usually, after such procedures, it is recommended to clean the nail with a machine (with a special brush, pumice stone), apply iodine or a special medical antifungal;
- Vinegar. It is believed that the vinegar solution cope well with such lesions, the main thing is to dilute the suspension in the correct proportion and not burn injured tissues;
- Compressor. A wide variety of products are used for such processes. This is a baking powder diluted with water, potatoes, garlic, chopped onion, aloe leaf, mouthwash, mountain ash, etc. v. When performing such experiments, you need to understand some serious consequences, including acquired allergies, burns, or most harmless results - no effect;
- Essential oils, herbal decoctions. Essential oils, especially tea tree oil, are a natural antiseptic. It can be used during therapeutic, as well as preventive or cosmetic treatment of the foot. Marjoram and eucalyptus oil are also used;
- Salicylic acid can be used against onychomycosis, but mainly in the early stages of lesion development.
The feasibility of using homemade drugs at home is controversial. For for some, such treatment ends successfully, while for others it leads to a prolonged restoration of not only the nail but also general health.
Prevent nail fungus or not infect others
Knowledge of certain rules will help reduce the risk of an unpleasant nail infection, as well as protect loved ones and others from infection, if the question of how to treat nail fungus has been resolved. concentration.
The basic rules for protection against fungi and prevention include:
- Cleaning regularly, washing individual pens;
- Use special slippers in public places (saunas, swimming pools);
- Strengthens the immune system. The debilitated body is incapable of fighting infection and infection spreading;
- Clean and disinfect shoes periodically, especially if the feet sweat frequently;
- The cleanliness of knitwear, they should be changed daily, preference should be given to natural fabrics;
- Wipe thoroughly after the procedure with water, high humidity will stimulate the growth of fungus;
- Use only your own shoes or clothes;
- Periodically disinfect manicuring or pedicure tools and, of course, for personal use only. If we compare professional offices, special sterilizers are used for these purposes;
- Proper foot care. Not only is it necessary to regularly clean the feet with special equipment, but also the skin of the feet and nails. If possible, you should go to the beauty salon for professional nail treatment, nutritional supplements for horny plaques and skin.
Simple, precise and attentive rules for your health will help protect you from other fungal treatment problems. The same rules must be followed if the disease is already treated. This will help prevent others from becoming infected and speed up the healing process.
A fungal infection may not appear immediately, sometimes after a few months. It is important to promptly detect the formation of an infection and take measures to help maintain the health and beauty of the feet.